Mapaballo Borotho

Age: 21

What is your hometown? Born and Bred in the city of
Ekurhuleni, Germiston,

Which university/college did you go to? Damelin college,
Braamfontein campus

What did you study? Diploma in Journalism and media studies

What show are you currently doing? I write and
read news for ,weekend show, Endless weekends and Weekends on the Edge.

What time? 9:00am to 11:pm

What inspired you to join radio? I have always wanted to be in the media industry, well I wanted to be a public figure in the entertainment and media industry, but I found my passion, which is Journalism, it’s fulfilling and heartwarming being the voice to the voiceless

Who is your favourite all time broadcaster? Catherine Mohlahlana ( she used to be an ENCA news reporter and now she’s on Newzroom Afrika, she inspires me so much

What’s the one quote you live by? “May you always be kind”

What’s been your best and worst moment on air? Best moment has to be when I’m reading or presenting my own packages, the one produced by me, Worst moment on air when I
read news only to find that the mic is off

What’s the funniest thing you have ever heard? Lol definitely has to be me singing, wow

Game night or movie night? Game Night

What’s the most played song on your music playlist? (DJ Zandimaz feat Nhlanhla Nciza and NuttyO

What was the last lie you told? I don’t have a boyfriend

If you had to pick an age that you would be for the rest of your life, which age would that be and why? 21! I’m actually getting to experience the best time of my life right now, going out every weekend, graduated , and got two jobs all in one year. It’s truly a blessed one

Name your favourite equipment /tool you use on air?</strong/> The headphones, lol I love listening to my voice. Weird I know

Who is your go to person for anything and everything in life? My little sister , Takatso

Current track

